Windows Vista jsou záměrně vadné
Když ty kreténi se nikdy nedomluvěj. Začalo to VHS vs BETA, pak nějakej dement vymyslel dva zapisovatelné DVD formáty, k tomu SACD a DVD-Audio, a teď někdo udělá HD vs BLUERAY. Ať se ty zprachatělý tlustý milionáři od SONY apod. jdou jednou provždy vy*rat. A ten zmetek co dělá Vistu si s nima může podat ruce, až si pustím HD Video ze svejch woken, tak na megadrahý TV budu díky super ochraně mít akorát tak VHS kvalitu. Jediný, na co se můžeme těšit jsou všežravý kombajny z Číny.
to je podla mna mylka.
First Pirated HD DVD Movie Weighs in at 19GB .
to na ziadne normalne dvd nezmestis.
existuje ale este toto:
3x DVD
The HD DVD format also can be applied to current red laser DVDs in 5, 9, 15 and 18 GB capacities which offers a lower-cost option for distributors, this type of disk is often called 3x DVD as it has three times the bandwidth of regular DVD video.
3x DVDs are physically identical to regular DVDs, which explains why the cost is lower for the physical media. While 3x DVDs provide the same high definition content at a lower cost, the trade off is that playback time is limited. For instance on an 8.5 GB DVD you could fit about 85 minutes of 1080p video encoded with VC-1 or AVC at an average bitrate of 13Mbit/s. This makes the format suitable for subjects such as training videos and home movies, but not suitable for typical wide release studio movies.
It is technically possible for consumers to create HD DVD compatible discs using low cost DVD-R or DVD+R media. In fact a [guide] have been written that walks users through authoring these disks.
First Pirated HD DVD Movie Weighs in at 19GB .
to na ziadne normalne dvd nezmestis.
existuje ale este toto:
3x DVD
The HD DVD format also can be applied to current red laser DVDs in 5, 9, 15 and 18 GB capacities which offers a lower-cost option for distributors, this type of disk is often called 3x DVD as it has three times the bandwidth of regular DVD video.
3x DVDs are physically identical to regular DVDs, which explains why the cost is lower for the physical media. While 3x DVDs provide the same high definition content at a lower cost, the trade off is that playback time is limited. For instance on an 8.5 GB DVD you could fit about 85 minutes of 1080p video encoded with VC-1 or AVC at an average bitrate of 13Mbit/s. This makes the format suitable for subjects such as training videos and home movies, but not suitable for typical wide release studio movies.
It is technically possible for consumers to create HD DVD compatible discs using low cost DVD-R or DVD+R media. In fact a [guide] have been written that walks users through authoring these disks.
A proč by se měl někdo domlouvat, vždyť je to normální konkurenční boj. Centrální plánovací komise nikdy žádnému pokroku nepomohly, ba právě naopak.delay píše:Když ty kreténi se nikdy nedomluvěj.
Proč zrovna jenom ti ze Sony a né ti ostatní?Začalo to VHS vs BETA, pak nějakej dement vymyslel dva zapisovatelné DVD formáty, k tomu SACD a DVD-Audio, a teď někdo udělá HD vs BLUERAY. Ať se ty zprachatělý tlustý milionáři od SONY apod. jdou jednou provždy vy*rat.